3 My Internet connection doesn't come up automatically.=MyInternetconnectiondoesn.tcomeupautomatically.@NetActive.hlp>Main
3 I can't find the URL I need to connect to your site.=Ican.tfindtheURLIneedtoconnecttoyoursite.@NetActive.hlp>Main
3 My computer locks up while I am connected.=MycomputerlocksupwhileIamconnected.@NetActive.hlp>Main
3 I am having difficulty with the purchase download.=Iamhavingdifficultywiththepurchasedownload.@NetActive.hlp>Main
3 I got play time but when I launch the game nothing happens or my PC locks up.=IgotplaytimebutwhenIlaunchthegamenothinghappensormyPClocksup.@NetActive.hlp>Main
3 Where do I find game patches and upgrades?=WheredoIfindgamepatchesandupgrades.@NetActive.hlp>Main
1 Frequently asked questions
2 Questions about NetActive
3 Overview: Questions about NetActive=QuestionsaboutNetActive@NetActive.hlp>Main
4 I like this stuff. How do I get more?=Ilikethisstuff.HowdoIgetmore.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 What is NetActive technology?=WhatisNetActivetechnology.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 How will NetActive put a CD in my cereal box, magazine, etc
4 Why do I need an Internet connection?=WhydoIneedanInternetconnection.1@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 How easy is it for me to run NetActive products?=HoweasyisitformetorunNetActiveproducts.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 Do I have to enter a password every time I use NetActive products?=DoIhavetoenterapasswordeverytimeIuseNetActiveproducts.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 Do I have to be connected to the Internet while I use NetActive software, music, or video?=DoIhavetobeconnectedtotheInternetwhileIuseNetActivesoftware.music.orvideo.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
2 Questions about privacy
3 Overview: Questions about privacy=Questionsaboutprivacy@NetActive.hlp>Main
4 Is my credit card and personal information secure?=Ismycreditcardandpersonalinformationsecure.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 Will you pass on my personal information to other companies?=Willyoupassonmypersonalinformationtoothercompanies.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 What are my obligations?=Whataremyobligations.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
2 Questions about connecting to the Internet
3 Overview: Questions about connecting to the Internet=QuestionsaboutconnectingtotheInternet@NetActive.hlp>Main
4 Why do I need an Internet connection?=WhydoIneedanInternetconnection.2@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 What URL (Internet address) do I need to connect to your site?=WhatURL.Internetaddress.doIneedtoconnecttoyoursite.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 Why doesn't my Internet connection come up automatically?=Whydoesn.tmyInternetconnectioncomeupautomatically.@NetActive.hlp>Proc
4 My computer locks up at your site=Mycomputerlocksupatyoursite@NetActive.hlp>Proc